
Owning Peace of Mind – Everyone is Responsible for Customer Calm (Part 1 of 2) (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about ensuring you deliver peace of mind to your customers. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Lovemark? Infusing your brand with Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about achieving “customer loyalty beyond reason. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Lovemark? Infusing your brand with Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy

Here’s an exercise: try going one day without seeing an advertising message. OK, how about an hour? Marketing messages are ubiquitous, appearing in unexpected places like the bottoms of golf holes. Every business talks to customers, but what makes that chatter banal or brilliant? Introduced by the global advertising network Saatchi & Saatchi in the…

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The Art of pARTnership: Maximizing Win/Wins (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about ways to establish and sustain “win/win” partnerships. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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The Art of pARTnership: Maximizing Win/Wins

I ran across this quote while researching a book that will be released in 2025 (more on that soon). The quote credited to Mother Teresa is: “I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot, and together, we can do great things.” Since the leaders I am writing about are exceptionally skilled…

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It’s Not a Sprint – It’s a Marathon: Balancing/Strengthening/Resting for Peak Performance (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about maximizing purposeful rest to drive sustained high performance. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Turning Customer Disappointments into Delight: Tips for Business Leaders (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about anticipatory service and service recovery. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Scaling Your Business with Customer Magic – Part 2

Let’s pick-up where we left off from last week’s newsletter by diving back in to lessons on entrepreneurship and business success gleaned from: Customer Magic is available in ebook and audiobook format and can be pre-ordered NOWfor print release on May 28th. Here are a few additional priorities to consider along your journey to business…

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Navigating Growth and Innovation: Insights for Your Business (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about navigating growth challenges for your business. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Elevating Customer Service: A Guide for Business Leaders & Managers (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about elevating your service levels. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
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