Where is Your Customer Experience Going?: Enhancing Customer Engagement through Journey Mapping (Infographic)
In this week’s blog, I discussed about successful customer journey mapping. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact
Where is Your Customer Experience Going?: Enhancing Customer Engagement through Journey Mapping
Sometimes, we are too close to something – a process, an idea, a product, or a service – to see it with accurate, objective clarity and perspective. This can be especially (and paradoxically) true when a notion leaps from our brains. We think we know what it looks, smells, and feels like as a customer…
Valued but Not Equal – A Case for Customer Segmentation (Infographic)
In this week’s blog, I discussed about effective customer segmentation. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact
Valued but Not Equal – A Case for Customer Segmentation
Customers aren’t always right and certainly don’t contribute equally to your business’s success, but…customers always pay your bills! I am struck by two groups of business leaders – those who treat customers as an afterthought to profits or products and those who treat customers as the reason they exist. I have always ascribed to Peter…
Walking Your Talk: Cultivating Authentic Customer Service (Part 2 of 2)
Let’s build on last week’s post, which focused on authentic customer experiences provided by legendary brands I’ve worked with and written about, such as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Zappos, and Starbucks. Becoming known for extraordinary customer experiences requires consistently delivering expectation-exceeding service. It also requires creative, present, kind, and patient people to deliver or create…
Walking Your Talk: Cultivating Authentic Customer Service (Part 1 of 2)
I have often suggested that a measure of a person and a brand is what people say about you when you are not around. My book “The Zappos Experience” includes many customer voices demonstrating how people talk about service brands that authentically care about them. For example, here’s an X (formerly Twitter) post: @ptubach “Went…
Owning Peace of Mind – Everyone is Responsible for Customer Calm (Part 2 of 2) – Infographic
In this week’s blog, I discussed about ensuring you deliver peace of mind to your customers. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact
Owning Peace of Mind – Everyone is Responsible for Customer Calm (Part 2 of 2)
Continuing from last week’s post on the importance of creating peace of mind for customers, let’s explore more actionable strategies that can elevate your customer experience, drive customer ease, and foster loyalty. Extraordinary customer experience companies make customers’ lives easier and more peaceful. Treating “peace of mind” as a value-add will distinguish your business from…
Owning Peace of Mind – Everyone is Responsible for Customer Calm (Part 1 of 2) (Infographic)
In this week’s blog, I discussed about ensuring you deliver peace of mind to your customers. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact
Autonomy and Guidelines – The Art of Front-Line Empowerment
Why do people leave employers? An outstanding customer experience professional shared, “I didn’t want to leave the company, but I didn’t have the authority to make things right for customers, and escalated issues didn’t get resolved.” Her experience highlights a significant issue in customer service management: the need for more empowerment for front-line employees. A…