Guest blog by Bradley Taylor: Is lack of marketing education letting your firm down?

It is my pleasure to introduce you to my guest blogger from over the pond. Bradley Taylor joins us from Derby, England to discuss the risks of limited marketing knowledge….

Is lack of marketing education letting your firm down?

Many firms lose potential clients and business partners as a result of poor marketing strategies. In today’s technological society, it has never been more important to enhance customer awareness and engagement with your firm in order to acquire a wealth of clients who will seek your services and recommend them to others. Listed below are several business marketing strategies and solutions, through which you can augment your marketing expertise and subsequently improve the branding and online reputation of your firm.

Capitalise upon the popularity of social networks

Social networking has become an extremely lucrative platform through which firms can market their professional expertise and services. LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest social media networks, connecting over 100 million professionals within a variety of different industries. Your firm can utilise LinkedIn to promote your services to fellow networking firms, and thus exponentially improve your chances of acquiring and sustaining professional relationships with both clients and business partners. You can instigate these connections via LinkedIn groups; whereupon you can participate in discussions as well as gathering information and receiving recommendations concerning your favoured line of work. Within these groups, you can showcase your professional capabilities by offering relevant, valuable contributions to group discussions. This facilitates a highly effective way of marketing your firm as it generates a channel of direct communication between members of your chosen profession.

Business bootcamps

Another effective method of expanding your marketing expertise is by attending a business bootcamp. These seminars and conferences impart valuable knowledge on how to improve key aspects of your firm. Moreover, there are a wealth of bootcamps available for firms of all sizes; from start-up businesses to industry leading corporations. These bootcamps provide an opportunity to hone your marketing strategies by gleaning exclusive insights from industry leaders, as well as learning how to cultivate and sustain a profitable business model. According to business marketing strategist Wilson Luna, it is important that companies learn “how to see business from a different perspective” in order to instigate improvements. Knowledge is power, and if you can consolidate your awareness of business marketing strategies, you can begin to implement these improvements within your firm.

Hire consultants

An increasing number of firms are hiring consultants who can objectively assess and improve certain aspects of your firm. For example, if your firm intends to launch a new marketing campaign, you can hire a consultant with experience within the marketing industry. A competent marketing consultancy expert can create a full marketing and communications plan for your firm; identifying what your primary objectives should be and developing a more comprehensive understanding of your target market. Consultants can offer vital insights upon how to market your firm successfully as a brand, and furthermore they can impart key strategies which your firm can implement in order to surpass any business competitors. These consultancy services can enable your firm to design and implement a proactive marketing campaign which will professionally publicise your firm and its services to a larger network of potential clients and business partners

Bradley Taylor is a freelance writer from Derby, England who enjoys writing across a variety of topics. You can find Bradley on Twitter @BradleyTaylor84

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Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D. is a professional speaker and chief experience officer at The Michelli Experience. A New York Times #1 bestselling author, Dr. Michelli and his team consult with some of the world’s best customer experience companies.

Follow on Twitter: @josephmichelli

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