Building the road with hope and positivity
Half full or Half Empty? A new Gallup poll suggests optimists outnumber pessimists 2 to 1 – at least when it comes to expectations for the US economy in 2011. Given that data, I have a series of questions for you and your company: Do you share optimism for 2011? If so, how are you…
The Starbucks Experience is Back…or Is it?
As the author of The Starbucks Experience, I endured predictions of the brands demise from some very esteemed colleagues. With rounds of layoffs, a January 29th 2009 announcement that 3oo stores were closing, a cooling economy, and increased competition for the gourmet coffee market, it was looking like Starbucks was on the ropes! While other’s…
Send your customer away, it’s for the good of all!
I know this will sound crazy at first, but please bear me out. You SHOULD SEND YOUR CUSTOMER AWAY: 1) when it’s in the customer’s best interest 2) when it’s in your staff’s best interest A recent study cited in the book Service Economics suggests that when businesses truly act like “trusted advisors” (not just…
Walmart, Amazon, Carnival Splendor – A Week of Customer Experience Lessons
What a week it was! With so much in the news touching upon customer service and consumer loyalty, I’m addressing a few tidbits as “teachable moments” or “food for thought.” Wal-mart announced that, for the Christmas season, it would be offering “free shipping” on most online item purchases (irrespective of order value). This announcement sent…
Direct Buy, Best Buy, Where You Buy
It had been some time since I heard about them but this week they kept finding their way into my conversations. At a large independent retail conference they were a central point of discussion, while working for a major metropolitan design center client I also heard my share about them. Who are they? Direct Buy…