
For All Those You Serve Close the Loop

For the Love of Mike (and all the others you serve) – Close the Loop! The phrase “for the love of Mike” has a colorful Irish backstory wherein exasperation and frustration were redirected from God to Mick (or Mike). I am exasperated with a particular human experience shortcoming that I see demonstrated over and over…

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Keeping Your Audience’s Attent…Look There’s a Squirrel

Well, it’s officially over…your attention span that is! Smartphones Fault? I’m not sure if you are still reading given recent findings on just how short attention spans have become but here goes… I knew things had gotten bad back in 2015 when I read an article in The Telegraph titled Humans have shorter attention span…

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How words sell well!

I write everyday. At present, I am working on a book under contract, finishing revisions for a publishing agreement on my next book, and working on a collaboration document involving a company for yet a third book. So put simply, I write. Unfortunately, all too few writers will ever be able to write as effectively…

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