customer loyalty

Customer Loyalty is Not the Same as Repeat Business

A Loyalty Program Doesn’t Loyalty Make – Repeat Business Is NOT The Grand Prize For clients with whom I have helped create loyalty programs, I am quick to make a somewhat unpopular set of distinctions between repeat business and customer loyalty. Given the confusion that abounds between loyalty and repeat business, I thought I would…

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5 Things You Should Not Do in the Name of Customer Experience

I was asked recently to provide a couple (of what a reader called “See Spot Run”) blogs concerning must-have and must not do elements of a successful customer experience business. Dick, Jane, and Spot In case you aren’t familiar with the Spot referenced by the reader, he/she was a dog companion of Dick and Jane. Part of the…

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Where Has All The Loyalty Gone?

“Where Has All The Loyalty Gone? – Long Time Passing” sung to a Peter, Paul and Mary melody A long, long time ago (20 years) in a galaxy far, far away (actually main street USA) customers were basically loyal to brands. For example, my father was a “Ford man” and ne’er a new model launch…

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When it Comes to Service: Beware A Technology-Based Backlash

It’s been said that when you have a “hammer everything looks like nails.” Such is the case with technology! For quite some time now we’ve all watched technology revolutionize the way service is delivered across the globe. For example, the Internet transformed the travel service industry as sites like Travelocity decreased the need for travel agents and apps…

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