Economic Recovery

Tweet-a-coffee? Mobilize the connection

In my latest book, Leading the Starbucks Way, one of the five business principles I delve into is titled “Mobilize the Connection.”  The quick version of the principle is that given our highly mobile society (and our growing need to have a smartphone at the ready) brands must not only build connections in face-to-face or…

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McGraw-Hill is Happy to Announce My Book Hits Bookstores this Week – Leading The Starbucks Way

    By Joseph Michelli, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Starbucks Experience “An accessible and practical guide to corporate success.” Publishers Weekly “Organizational consultant Michelli serves up a new helping of the recipe for business success he offered in The Starbucks Experience.” Kirkus Reviews   The international success of Starbucks begins with a…

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Courting, Dating, & Loving – A Customer Experience Journey?

Somewhere in our lifetime, most of us have run across Maslows’ hierarchical theory on human motivation (physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem, and self-actualization). It is within this framework that Maslow introduced the concepts of people asking Am I safe? before asking Am I loved? Chip Conley in his book Peak took a deep dive…

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That Nonreplicable “Something Else”

We all know the saying: “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” But, what does that actually mean for your company and the relationship you form with your customers? Well inevitably great business ideas will be duplicated, replicated and/or “borrowed.”  The upside of this reality is that overall products and services are improving as more…

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Passion Drives Purchase

In my soon to be released book, Leading the Starbucks Way, I list “seven bold moves” Starbucks leaders identified to revitalize their business.  These “moves”  focused on leveraging strengths, exploring relevant innovation opportunities, and targeting process improvements. These seven objectives were to: 1. Be the undisputed coffee authority. 2. Engage and inspire partners. 3. Ignite…

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“Leading the Starbucks Way” – How they are doing it right & why YOU should follow

Starbucks has become one of the most successful businesses in the world.  If you need proof – simply look to their record breaking earnings numbers released this week!  The brand’s success isn’t only because of their triple vanilla latte (although that certainly hasn’t hurt the cause.) In fact, there is much more to the success…

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The Couponing Experience – Are you overlooking it?

Are you a coupon clipper?  How about your customers? What role do coupons play in customer experiences?  Do they lead to commoditization or are they a component of interactive engagement? Enough with the questions lets look at the data on couponing. According to NCH (Marketing Services), the number of coupons distributed by consumer product goods…

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The Human Experience – Lessons from the ICU bedside

My vantage point on customer service and customer experience have certainly grown in the past 5 years. Much of that growth comes in the form of empathy gained from encountering complex healthcare delivery. In the past series of days, for example, I have run the all too familiar gauntlet of being with a close family…

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Shouldn’t You be Shadowing Your Customers? Whys, Whats and Hows for Success

Have you ever been shadowed?  Have you ever shadowed?  I am talking about customer shadowing of course and if you are not doing it, you might want to add it to your toolkit. Imagine not only asking your customers what they want or need from you but also getting permission to watch your customers as…

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How to respond to “Pinteresting” times in Customer Engagement

“May you live in interesting times,” is often referred to as the Chinese curse and it aptly applies to the challenge of creating relevant customer experiences online today. Let’s take the moving target of social media websites as our example.  The disruptive nature of technology and the proliferation of online offerings have played havoc in…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article