Leadership Development

Strengthening Teams Through Recognition

For customers to consistently feel understood and appreciated, staff must consistently feel understood and appreciated. While leaders and managers usually intend to listen to and recognize team members, those intentions often get lost amid daily challenges and demands. In the classic book, “The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their Employees,…

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It’s Not a Sprint – It’s a Marathon: Balancing/Strengthening/Resting for Peak Performance

I am currently under a deadline for a book about a major healthcare client (more on that soon). During my research, I ran across data showing a trend toward higher burnout rates across various fields, including a staggering 90% burnout rate for primary care providers. Given rising burnout and the adverse impact of burnout on…

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Turning Customer Disappointments into Delight: Tips for Business Leaders (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about anticipatory service and service recovery. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact

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Starbucks – A Guide to Fostering Customer Connection (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about maximizing customer connections. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact 

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The Art of “Otherness”: How Authentic Leadership Wins the Customer & Employee Vote (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about winning the vote of your team members and customers and ensuring their trust and loyalty. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX…

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The Art of “Otherness”: How Authentic Leadership Wins the Customer & Employee Vote

Alas, another polarizing election cycle is underway in the US, and the heat of political rhetoric will again serve as a learning lab for WHAT NOT TO DO when leading a human-centric organization. While political candidates will try to convince us that they are running for office to improve our lives, I’d like to contrast…

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The Power of Metrics: Knowing Beyond Subjectivity (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about selecting and tracking key customer metrics. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact.

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4 Key Strategies for Business Success: Adopt Product, Service, Customer, or Adaptive Approaches (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about key strategies for business success. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact.  

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Customer Experience Excellence – How to Leverage Human Intelligence to Enhance AI (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about how to leverage human intelligence to enhance AI. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact.

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VUCA and YOU – How to Thrive in Complex Times (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about ways to emerge stronger when faced with Complexity. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit josephmichelli.com. To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to josephmichelli.com/contact.

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article