Cutting-edge Service Technology Blended with a Human Service Culture
“The Robots are Coming, the Robots are Coming” Cutting-edge Service Technology Blended with a Human Service Culture I have loved Singapore since the first time I visited more than a decade ago. In fact, back in 2014, I wrote the following: Guess how they are listening to customers in Singapore. I am fresh off a…
The Robots are Here and There is Fear
I thought I would conjure up the spirit of the US patriot Paul Revere who (during my school years) was credited as shouting, “The British are coming! The British are coming!” With solid scholarship, it appears Paul Revere likely never shouted those words at all. In fact, the words he did say – apparently something more…
Customer Experience Speaker, Consultant, Author OR…A Robot
At first, I didn’t have the heart to place my various occupational titles in the search field. I was afraid I’d find I’d already been replaced. However, a wave of courage washed over me and I went boldly into the unknown. Whew…as an author I might be safe with a percentage just less than 4%.…