Validate, Educate, and Activate the Customer Journey Map {Infographic}
Assuming you have developed a customer journey map based on a core segment persona, you are likely expecting that this design tool will help you improve the experience you deliver to this customer group. To maximize the effectiveness of a persona-based journey map, you must do three things well – validate, educate, and activate. SaveSave
The Discipline of Service Design {Infographic}
A specific domain of experience design is service design. Let’s look at what’s needed to craft service experiences (influenced by people, process, and technology) that will engage customers, increase consumer spend, fuel loyalty, and drive referrals.
Aiming Before You Fire – Patiently Seeking Input to Guide Service Design
Recently I wrote a blog in which I offered my definition of experience design. From my vantage point, experience design is one of the core competencies of human-centric organizations along with human-centric culture, customer listening/understanding, effective change management, and productive use of customer-focused metrics. I am sure I will be addressing all of those topics in…