Trust is the Currency of Relationships | Customer Experience Excellence – The Airbnb Way
This is the second in a 5-post series. This week we continue to journey through key concepts found in my 10 leadership books and pick up our exploration of my book titled The Airbnb Way – 5 Leadership Lessons for Igniting Growth through Loyalty, Community, and Belonging. Last week we touched on belonging, this week we highlight trust and in the weeks ahead…
High Trust = Happy Employees = Happy Customers = Happy Shareholders = Happy Leaders
You might say I am on a “trust” kick. In last week’s blog, I highlighted a US decline in social trust (a precipitous drop of 46% points from 1964 to 2016). I also opined on the critical role of trust in strengthening the social contract between businesses and customers. Finally, I asserted that trust begets trust.…
Winning Customer Experience – Simple Matters of Trust
Customer Experience and Trust…hmmm. Here’s three quick questions to engage your brain. 1) How would you answer the following? “Most people can be trusted” – True or False? 2) What percentage of Americans answered “True” to that question in 1964? and, 3) What percentage of Americans answered “True” to the same question in 2016? If…