WOWful Connections

The Art of pARTnership: Maximizing Win/Wins

I ran across this quote while researching a book that will be released in 2025 (more on that soon). The quote credited to Mother Teresa is: “I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot, and together, we can do great things.” Since the leaders I am writing about are exceptionally skilled…

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What is VUCA & How do YOU Thrive in Volatile Times?

VUCA Defined In their 1985 book “Leaders -The Strategies for Taking Charge,” economists Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus coined the term VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). In the 1990s, VUCA was used as a US War College framework to guide scenario planning related to post-Cold War military tactics. VUCA – a Model for 21st-Century…

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Six Essentials to Actually Achieve Lasting Success

I am convinced that everyone is a leader. Some people are given formal leadership titles, while others informally lead without a title. Since leadership skills are applicable in all areas of our lives (and since customer experience success requires both formal and informal leaders at all levels of an organization), let’s explore a few essentials…

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Don’t Just Solve Problems! How to Actually Reconcile Relationships With Compassion

Here’s a question for you, one that I hope you’ll consider thoughtfully and answer honestly. Does your business complete transactions or create relationships? I suspect you will want to answer the question with “we create relationships,” since relational companies foster trust, enhance customer engagement, drive loyalty, and secure referrals. But do your behaviors really align…

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Playing to Win: How to Think & Act Like Zappos (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the five elements of Zappos’ culture that warrant attention. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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Being the Ritz Carlton of Your Industry: How to Deliver Delight (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the 5 lessons on fostering service excellence and elevated experiences. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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Behavior vs. Score – How to Track What Actually Matters (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the ten ways to keep employees. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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Customer Psychology – How to Enhance Experiences and Boost Sales (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the ten ways to keep employees. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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Ten Ways to Keep Employees – Fundamentals for Robust Engagement

If I had my way, everyone would stop referencing Customer Experiences and Employee Experiences and instead would talk about Human Experiences. The rationale for my renaming preference is twofold: You can’t create excellent customer experiences if you don’t provide outstanding employee experiences. (If it doesn’t live inside your brand, it won’t live outside.) Our goal…

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Do You Want More Business Success? Here Are 6 Steps for Sparking Customer Value (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the 6 Steps for Sparking Customer Value. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article