WOWful Connections

Amping up Delight – How to Actually Maximize Customer Pleasure (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about how to actually maximize customer pleasure. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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Moments of Truth – How to Master What Actually Matters to Customers (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about four tips for owning arrival moments and customer perceptions of belonging.  For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog.   Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go…

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{Infographic} Customer Value – Expanding across the 12 Standard Forms of Value


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Customer Value: Expanding Across the 12 Standard Forms of Value

Great leaders often ask me to help them create “customer value”, while others ask me to help them create “profit.” For me, the only way to generate sustainable profit is by developing a core competency for customer value creation. Chasing profits is a tiring and stressful endeavor – creating value is an innovative and energizing pursuit.…

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The Future of Customer Service: Human Intelligence (HI) or Artificial Intelligence (AI)

I have been slow to accept that, from a service perspective, humans will ever be replaced by computers.  I’ve suggested that customers will resist “robots” and I’ve based my thinking in part on the “uncanny valley” hypothesis which postulates that the more robots look like humans the less humans will feel comfortable with them. I…

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You Want Engaged Employees? Ignite Mastery

Thought leaders like Daniel Pink have provided insightful analysis of research showing three key drivers of human behavior: Purpose Autonomy, and Mastery In essence, ample research shows that people will give maximal effort when they believe their effort will make a purposeful difference when they are given some level of control over the task or timeline for completing a…

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Personal Brand Vetting – THEY are Listening

As I help business leaders deliver branded customer experiences, I often start with the premise that brands are nothing more than what people say about us when we’re not around. From there, I work with leaders to determine what they want to be known for and what they want to hear their customers say about…

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Don’t Invent – Innovate: The Art of Resolving Human Need

For me… Invention is the creation of something new and Innovation is creating a new solution that addresses a human need If I were so inclined, I could go into my garage cobble together some random materials and produce a “one of a kind” object. I could call it Joseph’s garage invention. While I might…

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