
Lovemark? Infusing your brand with Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy

Here’s an exercise: try going one day without seeing an advertising message. OK, how about an hour? Marketing messages are ubiquitous, appearing in unexpected places like the bottoms of golf holes. Every business talks to customers, but what makes that chatter banal or brilliant? Introduced by the global advertising network Saatchi & Saatchi in the…

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How to Gain Competitive Advantage through Brazen Customer Experience: 4 Tips from Starbucks

You are likely in an industry where competition is fierce and customer retention is critical. Since globalization has led to products and services that are increasingly similar, a well-crafted and consistently executed customer experience is a powerful competitive differentiator. Here are four tips for designing and delivering differentiated customer experiences courtesy of my work with…

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Six Essentials to Actually Achieve Lasting Success

I am convinced that everyone is a leader. Some people are given formal leadership titles, while others informally lead without a title. Since leadership skills are applicable in all areas of our lives (and since customer experience success requires both formal and informal leaders at all levels of an organization), let’s explore a few essentials…

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Don’t Just Solve Problems! How to Actually Reconcile Relationships With Compassion (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the ways to enhance customer relationships. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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The Art and Heart of Successful Human Experience Training | A Path Infrequently Traveled

If you are one of those amazing people who read last week’s post and reached out in support of our Surprisingly Kind movement – Thank You! If you missed that post, you’ll get the gist soon – as I build on the surprisingly kind theme. Quite frequently, my team and I are asked to develop…

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Catching What is Right | The Art of Service Storytelling

American lawyer John E. Jones III is credited with saying, “What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated.” From my perspective, when it comes to customer experience excellence, what gets rewarded gets done and what gets talked about also gets done. After 25 years of consulting in what used to be called…

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Legendary Brand | What’s Your Story? [Infographic]

Brands that become legends produce experiences that turn into stories and leaders at those brands actively mine those stories to create spontaneous buzz or to produce lasting epic or signature stories. Many legendary stories emerge from those who have received extraordinary service while other stories can come from the founding of your business. Other brand…

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How to Write a Compelling Story Hook {Infographic}

I like to say all stories can have a hook; however, all too often the storyteller fails to examine the story from all the angles needed to discover it.

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No Collusion, No Obstruction, No Hoax – Just Vital Info on How to Write a Compelling Story Hook

If you want to understand the role of the Trump campaign in possible Russian election interference or in any subsequent cover-up, you need to switch blogs, however, if you care about your own relevance then keep reading. Over the past several installments of this blog series (links below), we’ve looked at the role branded storytelling…

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Sharing Brand Stories Differently {Infographic}

I believe that stories are a form of customer currency. In fact, money and time are both in short supply for most consumers, so they want to spend both with businesses that deliver value for dollars and stories for time. They want your business to provide them a positive story that they can share with family…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article