Surprisingly Kind

Owning Peace of Mind – Everyone is Responsible for Customer Calm (Part 2 of 2) – Infographic

In this week’s blog, I discussed about ensuring you deliver peace of mind to your customers. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Lovemark? Infusing your brand with Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about achieving “customer loyalty beyond reason. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Lovemark? Infusing your brand with Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy

Here’s an exercise: try going one day without seeing an advertising message. OK, how about an hour? Marketing messages are ubiquitous, appearing in unexpected places like the bottoms of golf holes. Every business talks to customers, but what makes that chatter banal or brilliant? Introduced by the global advertising network Saatchi & Saatchi in the…

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Remember and Amaze: Colossal and Affirming Lessons from a Starbucks Barista

In my books, The Starbucks Experience and Leading the Starbucks Way, I’ve shared many lessons from frontline team members (referred to as partners at Starbucks). While leadership approaches to customer experience are critical, I’ve found that some of the most powerful insights on creating customer loyalty come from those in the trenches with customers daily.…

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Six Essentials to Actually Achieve Lasting Success

I am convinced that everyone is a leader. Some people are given formal leadership titles, while others informally lead without a title. Since leadership skills are applicable in all areas of our lives (and since customer experience success requires both formal and informal leaders at all levels of an organization), let’s explore a few essentials…

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How to Craft a Legacy – Taking Your Impact to the Next Level (Infographic)

In this week’s blog, I discussed about realizing legacy. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to

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Bring on the Service Professionals? It’s Time to Supplement Mainstream Self-Service (Infographics)

In this week’s blog, I discussed the things to consider as you balance self-service and human assistance. For more information on the topic, please refer to the blog. Otherwise, this infographic visually summarizes the blog’s content. To learn more about our team, please visit To speak to me about your CX journey, please go to  

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Break the Glass – Be Surprisingly Kind

This is the 4th installment in my series Break the Glass, where we are looking at what you can do to maintain a positive human experience in a time of great business disruption. Our focus today is on being surprisingly kind. I was fortunate to be raised by a dad, who routinely mowed neighbor’s lawns every time…

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Leadership and Life Lessons Learned In a Pandemic – My Offer of Service

When lamenting unforeseen and adverse events, my momma Michelli was prone to say, “I would never wish this on anyone, but now that it’s here, what are we to do?” Not surprisingly, during the past week, my mind has searched for “momisms,” “dadisms,” and the wisdom of the ages, to cope with uncertainty like none…

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The Art and Heart of Successful Human Experience Training [Infographic]

If you are one of those amazing people who read last week’s post and reached out in support of our Surprisingly Kind movement – Thank You! If you missed that post, you’ll get the gist soon – as I build on the surprisingly kind theme. The “Surprisingly Kind” movement is an effort to increase service…

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The Starbucks Experience: Leadership Tips eBook
Elevating Care in Healthcare: Lessons from the UCLA Health System eBook
How to Win Every Customer, Every Time, No Excuses! Article