Branded Storytelling

Sprinkle Emotion on your Branded Storytelling {Infographic}

Last week I gave an example of how you can tell stories with strong protagonists (some of the protagonists might be people – like your team members or customers – and other characters might be your products or services). This week I will explore the importance of telling stories with “emotions that pull for action.”…

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Do not Forget to Sprinkle Emotion on Top of your Branded Storytelling

Donut Do not Forget to Sprinkle Emotion on Top of your Branded Storytelling Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve shared how brands can be described by perceptions held by customers and non-customers alike. I’ve suggested that those perceptions are shaped by the experiences people have across all interactions with your company. Those interactions are…

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Developing Characters in Branded Storytelling {Infographic}

In my last post, I talked about the importance of clear brand identity or brand essence to shape the branded customer experience you seek to deliver. I also suggested that much of your customer experience is reflected in the stories shared along the consideration, purchase, service, and post-service journey of your customers. As such, your…

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